New England Associates® & HairStart® Blog

Tips for Faster Hair Growth

We’ve previously given you four simple and easy tips to grow longer hair faster. Now we have more, adding up to nine tips for faster hair growth for you:

  1. Frequent Trims.
    We don’t mean you should get big haircuts. You should just have the split ends and damaged hair trimmed off. This is normally only about 1 inch, if even that much. When your hair has split ends it stops growing, making it harder for you to get the length you want.
  1. A good diet and proper nutrition.
    A well-balanced diet can lead to healthier hair for you. Protein is the most important nutrient when it comes to healthy hair because your hair is mostly made up of protein.
  1. Proper vitamins for healthy hair.
    Whether your diet is lacking or not, your hair can probably benefit from supplemental nutrition in the form of a vitamin specifically designed and formulated to give your hair what it needs.
  1. Don’t over-wash your hair.
    Washing your hair strips away natural oils. It is suggested that washing your hair 2-3 times a week is good to let your hair produce the natural oils that it needs to become healthier and shinier.
  1. Avoid chemicals and processing.
    These also strip away natural oils as well as cause damage to your hair.
  1. Avoid heat styling and too much hot water.
    Too much heat also causes damage and strips away natural oils your hair needs.
  1. Avoid physical damage such as tangling and brushing your hair while wet.
    If you brush your hair while it’s wet you can cause damage to the ends or even pull your hair out. This is because your hair is most vulnerable when it is wet.
  1. Brush your hair regularly.
    But don’t do it when your hair is wet (see above).
  1. Growth stimulators.

There are a number of items you can use to help with these tips for faster hair growth:

You can purchase any of these items individually or together in a money-saving bundle we call the “Swimmers & Mineral-Busting Bundle”.

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