New England Associates® & HairStart® Blog

The Myths of Hair Loss

Myth 1:

Cutting your hair makes it grow thicker and stronger. FALSE.

Your hair is naturally thicker the closer it is to the root, but cutting your hair won’t have any effect on your hair growing thicker.

Myth 2:

Daily washing and blow-drying can trigger hair loss. FALSE.

This is a common misconception because blow drying may make your hair very brittle and lead to hair loss, but only if you use a blow dryer for an extended period of time or you use the blow dryer at extreme temperatures.

Myth 3:

It is normal to shed 100 to 200 strands of hair each day. FALSE.

The average person is considered to lose anywhere from 20-50 strands of hair each day. If you happen to lose more than that you may be in the early stages of hair loss.

Myth 4:

Wearing a hat can cause hair loss. FALSE.

Wearing a hat cannot in itself cause hair loss. However, if you wear a hat that is too tight for your head you may begin to lose your hair. A hat that is too tight may start to constrict the blood flow that reaches your hair follicles.

Myth 5:

Hair loss only comes from your mother’s side of the family. FALSE.

Hair loss could come from your mother’s side or your father’s side. This is probably one of the top misconceptions about hair loss, but your mother and father’s genetics play an equal role in whether or not you will experience hair loss.

Myth 6:

Brushing your hair makes it stronger and resistant to hair loss. FALSE.

This is possibly one of the worst myths about hair loss because brushing your hair excessively may actually cause hair loss. Brushing your hair excessively may put unneeded stress on your hair, making it more brittle and easier to break.

Keep in mind, if you’re experiencing hair loss, never self-diagnose yourself. The best thing you can do is come in and see a hair expert.

If you’re interested in discussing more of this with a hair expert, contact New England Associates®. At New England Associates®, how you feel about your hair loss and making the right choice to solve it matters. We encourage you to take the time and review your options. Then come in for a no-cost, no-obligation private hair loss consultation.

“Look as Good as You Feel!”

Call New England Associates® today. Make New England Associates®
“Your First Step To A Better Looking Future!”

Since 1982 New England Associates® has known hair loss is as individual as you are. New England Associates® offers all of the procedures that work to repair, replace, restore, and grow hair. We are members of the American Hair Loss Council and the Better Business Bureau. Locations include Wakefield, MA and Manchester, NH. Our hair restoration options include hair and scalp treatments, non-medical hair replacement, laser hair therapy treatments, hair transplants and shampoos and vitamins for fine and thinning hair.

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